Ruby was the first person we told and we let her break the news to both of her Grandmas and Grandpas at dinner last night. She did a great job keeping the secret until I gave her the go ahead, which was a small miracle.
Vintage Ruby
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Ruby was the first person we told and we let her break the news to both of her Grandmas and Grandpas at dinner last night. She did a great job keeping the secret until I gave her the go ahead, which was a small miracle.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Because She's Blave
Showing off her Monkey Pack-Pack
Walking to School
Crossing with Daddy
Teddy Bear Preschool
All Summer long EVERY time we drove by this sign, she would proclaim "There's my pleschool!" And when we weren't passing by, she would ask if we could drive by her preschool. When I would explain that we weren't anywhere near her school, I was usually given the typical "Awwww" response.
With her best bud Hudson

Love this expression...maybe a tad nervous?
Nope, this is one brave girl!
I was fully expecting a meltdown at some point. I thought she would be brave until she realized this was "for reals". I'm so glad she proved me wrong. Because she was so happy and excited, I was able to leave her without a single tear shed. Her best buddy Hudson is in the same class with her and I think that helped her to feel more comfortable from the get go. Her teacher also earned major Brownie points right off the bat by noticing her new shoes, "They're HELLO KITTY!" she yelled with pure excitement. NOTHING excites my girl more than a new pair of shoes, so her birthday shoes (courtesy of Ebby Debi) that we saved for the first day of school were an awesome ice breaker. You don't even know how that makes my heart smile, because what, more than new shoes totally encompasses that first day experience? Nothing I say. Nothing!
About to enter her class for the very first time!
Getting her name tag on.
So she went right in, talked to her teacher like they were old chums and went to town doing all sorts of fun things. She's already chosen what she wants to take to class for show & tell on Thursday, and ever since I told her she'll get to wear her costume to school for a Halloween Parade, Halloween cannot come soon enough! We celebrated her big day with lunch at Chik-fil-a with best buddies Hudson and Clara. I couldn't have asked for a better first day, this mommas heart is quite full tonight.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Birds Of A Feather...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My Funny Valentines...
I love any excuse to decorate and Valentine's is no exception. In addition to my new go to holiday craft of bunting, i also discovered Acrylic Paint Pens at Michael's that are meant for writing on glass. Perfect for the person who has a HUGE window hanging on their wall right? What, you don't have a ginormous re purposed window salvaged from your parents window renovation project hanging in your house?!? : ) I'm always looking for ways to decorate this beast around the holidays and these markers fit the bill perfectly, but you could also use it on mirrors. Much easier cleanup than lipstick i would think. i will probably be investing in a few more colors and putting them to use on birthdays and other special occasions. When you're sick of it, comes right off with a little rubbing alcohol, easy peasy! please excuse my not so cute writing...
Friday, December 31, 2010
What Went Down & What's Going Out...
This year:
I lost my grandma at the age of 92.
This was a huge loss, but I was lucky to have had her for so long. But i still miss her. a lot. of all my grandparents she is the one i felt the closest to. She was an unselfish servant, a prayer warrior and the best little italian cook you ever met. That and she buttered an english muffin to perfection. This is a fact.
We moved. Again. Third move in six years.
We swear this is our last move until we buy a house, which will hopefully occur in some time in the next decade. We found the right place at the right time, pay less rent no longer live on a main road.
We got a roommate.
Daniel's sister Amanda moved back to Cali and now lives with us. She is a huge part of what afforded us the opportunity to move into a nicer place. This transistion went even better than i could have hoped for and i'm so glad we all decided to go for it. Ruby LOVES having her Onnie at "her house" and i love having a partner in crime for my numerous ColdStone runs.
Daniel got a new job.
After almost exactly two years of praying for a new opportunity, he was hired on as a captain at STA Jets. PRAISE THE LORD!
My dream came true.
For as long as i can remember when people asked me what i wanted to do when i grew up, my answer was always the same; "get married and have kids." Let me say it hasn't always gone like i had hoped and planned for, but the Lord has given me my greatest desire, to be a stay at home mom. I would love to have quit my job the minute i found out i was pregnant, but it wasn't in the cards until April of 2010, two months short of Ruby's second birthday. I will be eternally grateful to Daniel who has taken this huge leap of faith and carried the burden of being the sole provider for our family. I am SO blessed to be able to watch my daughter grow and learn each and every day and i never want to take that for granted.
I started a new hobby.
I didn't get too far, but i have started learning how to sew. My mother in law has been a patient teacher and my first projects include crayon rolls for Ruby's birthday party favors and a cute little cupcake for her halloween costume. I hope to do more and more as each year passes.
So now that you know what i'm thankful for i thought i'd also share with you my resolutions for 2011. I am typically not one for New Year's Resolutions. I'd like to say that's because i have it so together, but alas, if you have known me for longer than 5minutes, you know that is not the case. Truth be told i don't make them because i know i won't keep them. it's almost as if i'm beating myself to the punch and choosing not to set myself up for failure. What kind of screwed up type of thinking is that, i mean is it any less of a failure if i opt not to put it down on paper or even worse, on the blog for the world (i use that term loosely, {5 faithful followers}) to see? Of course not!
Realistically i am not going to hold to all, or even just one of my resolutions 100%, but that isn't the point. The point is to try and learn, grow and become a better person for the next 365 days. Even if that's just a slight improvement from where i stand today, it's still an improvement right? So with that said, i'm putting my resolutions out there, for you to read so that you can help hold me accountable. Without further adieu, here we go!
To read my Bible, more consistently.
To spend more QUALITY time with my Ru Bear Pie
Patience. i'm already sorry that i put this one out there, need i say more?
Complain less.
Contain my anger in the car and keep my road rage limited to internal dialogue, rather than subject my poor unsuspecting passengers to the crazy!
To cook at least 3 meals a week.
Indulge in more spontaneity and let go of rigidity. (is that a word?)
Obviously there are in depth personal details that go along with each of those, but i'll spare you the gory details. I really look forward to having goals in the New Year, it seems rather ridiculous to have opted out of this tradition in hindsight, after all i have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Here's to doing my best and not giving up even after i fall short. Are you making any resolutions? What will you do better in 2011?
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sew Sweet!
In keeping with last year's chicken costume, we decided to continue on with the food theme, and this year Ru went as a a cupcake. More specifically a "pink cake with spinkles." Seems quite fitting seeing as how, a) I often refer to her as my little cupcake and b) she LOVES making AND eating them. This years inspiration was courtesy of Pottery Barn Kids. Besides the fact I wasn't about to spend $59- on something that gets worn once, I would like to maintain the tradition of homemade costumes as long as possible. It really is a fun process, even if it doesn't turn out exactly like the picture. Ommie Sandy and I had a fun time experimenting on this costume seeing as how we had no pattern to follow. Although I left all the tricky parts up to Ommie, I am quite proud of the fact that I sewed the mini cupcake she wore in her hair
Prior to this, I has never sewn anything by hand other than a button! This little project has definitely motivated me to continue sewing on a regular basis and increase my needle know how. Despite the fact Ru didn't really like wearing the cake on her head due to the wobble factor it had going on, she did really enjoy serving it with her "afternoon tea" prior to me sewing it into her hairband. I think it would be fun to create some more faux food to go with the kitchen set my little cupcake will be getting for Christmas. Shhhh, don't let the cat out of the bag. Oh, who am I kidding ? I've already told her if she is a good girl, Santa might bring her her very own pink kitchen. No...we're not excited for Christmas around here at all!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sneak Peak
And here we have this years not so sneak peak...can you guess what she is going to be? Cuz if not, that's a bad sign seeing as how the costume is nearly complete. Ommy Sandy came through yet again. This year we didn't have the advantage of a pattern, all we had to go on was a picture. So stay tuned for the finished product. I'm off to attempt my first softie creation today, I'm hoping it will be the icing on the cake. ; )