i can't believe it, today your eleven months old! one month from now we'll be hosting your first birthday party in the backyard and you will be experiencing the joy that is cake for the first time. You have been a handful this past month, testing your boundries more than ever. You touch EVERYthing, even after we say "NO!" You look at me as if to make sure i mean it, and then you do it anyway, you just can't help yourself. Your latest trick is dumping over broccoli's water bowl and flooding the kitchen. Even when we put it up on the table, you pull yourself up and try your darndest to slide it off the edge. You definately love the water, though we have yet to get you in a pool. i look forward to taking you swimming this summer, you only have three bathing suits waiting to be modeled!
In the last month you have developed a love for pointing, it cracks me up! You point at everything with this dainty little index finger and your wrist bent. Sometimes you point with both hands at two different things, your favorite items of interest being lamps and cieling fans. You continue to jabber all the time, but still no real words other than "hi" though you seemed to have lost interest in that. You said it non-stop for two weeks, and then it was gone as as fast as it came! In place of actual talking you enjoy clicking your tongue and smacking your lips, very chic! You just figured out how to feed yourself finger foods. You've been able to pick food up for a couple months, but you just figured out how to get it out of your tight little fist. :) You finally popped your first tooth, bottom right...i say finally because you have been teething here and there since you turned five months, thank the Lord for teething tablets.
You're still tougher than nails, you rarely cry because something hurts, in fact both your daddy and i were beginning to wonder if you felt pain at all. Though you cried when you popped your shoulder out, it wasn't more than a minute or so, and when the chiropractor popped it back in, all you did was wince. Though your high pain tolerance (which you got from your dad by the way...he once had his jaw out of the socket for a month before he decided it might be a good idea to see a doctor...sorry, sidenote!)is good, in that your not a wimpy kid and your not afraid to try things on your own, it does make discipline a bit of a challenge. When we tap your hand you look at us as if we just shook hands, only to continue trying to do whatever it is that earned the little "love tap" in the first place. And although you aren't afraid of us, you have developed to very interesting fears...yup, you're looking at em', the vacuum and your big red ball, the vacuum i can understand, but i almost think your fear of the ball is worse! You are one funny girl!