This weekend was a full one and yet it was really relaxing...It started off with a quasi-surprise, when daniels sister showed up unannounced from Alaska. I say quasi because she posted on facebook the night before that she "couldn't wait to surprise her family & friends"...let's just say keeping secrets isn't her forte, even when they're her own. :) She's in the Coast Guard & is about to fly to Virginia for training, but decided to take some leave and visit the familia before she heads east.
We had already planned a BBQ for Sunday nite, with all of daniel's old college roommates and their ladies, and now we had sissy too. It was definitely a good time. Ru wasn't much into letting anyone hold her, unless of course you had food in your hand, or your name was Rob. Apparently Ruby & Robby are bff's from way back, or at least that's what one would have guessed by the way she went to him. All the girls wanted to hold her, but she would have nothing of it, she only had eyes for Uncle Robby!
It was fun having everyone together for the first time in a long time; in addition to daniel's roommates, we had a few softball peeps including Shaun and his wife Eva who are recently home from being stationed in Alabama. Ruby got to meet their little one, Miss Amelia for the first time and now has another bff to add to her list.
The boys had an especially good time catching up and telling tales of things long ago in a far away place called Prescott...aggh how i hate arizona...ALL of it!
We had such a good weekend, that on the drive home from the beach I remarked to Daniel that " I couldn't believe tomorrow's Monday and I still have one day left in my weekend" to which he sadly (but necessarily) rained on my parade and reminded me;
tomorrow is indeed Tuesday
...back to work...